Sign up nowCall Diversion packages

You don't need any special technology to use our numbers. If you want to simply forward your Soho66 number to another landline number or mobile then you can do this from your control panel.

This is a great option for those customers who want the convenience of a dedicated number but don't want the overhead of buying any special technology.


  • Simple to set up
  • Vast choice of numbers to choose from including local area codes and non-geographic (0845, 0333)
  • Improves the professionalism of your business and how it is perceived by giving it a feel of permanence and reputability through having a dedicated landline number
  • Wide range of inclusive features to enhance your experience
  • No technology is required and you can be up and running in minutes
  • You don't need a broadband connection


  • Forwarding only deals with inbound calls so you can't take advantage of our great call rates
  • Miss out on some of the great features on our platform such as music on hold, caller line id and call transfer
  • We charge you for each call forwarded at 1p per minute for a UK landline number
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