Our support charter
- We'll make it easy to contact us, displaying phone, email and web addresses clearly.
- We'll respond to your query quickly. For emails and web this means within 24 hours.
- If you call us, we won't keep you hanging around and we'll always endeavour to answer your questions without passing you around.
- We'll keep our advice simple, clear and easy to understand.
- We'll maintain a first rate online knowledge base
Support documents
To filter the list, use the dropdown menu below. Alternatively, you can use the search box in the top right of the site to search using keywords.
- Jun26
There are a number of features available to conference participants and leaders whilst in a conference call
- Jul14
This article contains a list of the file types supported when sending an outbound fax through email
- Jul15
Cover page information
- Jul24
Describes the Soho66 voicemail system, features, menu and usage
- Jan15
A brief description on how to configure the minimum settings for the XLite Softphone